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Casa Seaport Marbella

115 Ramón Ibarra González, Casa Seaport Marbella, Puerto Vallarta, Ja
Puerto Vallarta, JA
3 bedrooms | 3 baths | 2,108 sqft

$330,000 USD

Charming and bright house recently built and ready to deliver with 3 bedrooms and 3 full bathrooms. One of these bedrooms is on the ground floor, it also has a large and extensive patio that includes an outdoor kitchen and a pergola, ideal for pets or barbecues. Read More

115 Ramón Ibarra González, Casa Seaport Marbella, Puerto Vallarta, Ja
Puerto Vallarta, JA
Subdivision Name: Central Camioneras, Area: Airport
General Description
List Price USD: $330,000 USD, Total M2 Construction: 2,108 sqft
Total Bedrooms: 3, Total Full Baths: 3
Property Type: Villa
Kitchen appliances: Cook Top
Contract Status: Active, Date Listed: 09/08/23
Listing ID # (MLS #): 28637